Salwa is an international student from Morocco. She graduated in May 2012 with a Bachelor’s in Business Administration from USF and is currently completing her second Bachelor’s in Psychology at USF and will apply to I/O PhD programs for Fall 2014. Salwa is currently writing her undergraduate thesis and volunteers as a research assistant in an I/O lab that conducts research on workplace leadership and diversity. Her research interests are motivation and job satisfaction. Her professional goals are either to pursue a career in academia or to start her own consulting company.
Oscar Stewart
Salwa Mansour
Kristen Moore
Kristen is a senior at Missouri State University majoring in Psychology with a CFD minor. Kristen enjoys psychology-related activities and is pursuing a career in organizational psychology. She is currently vice-president of her sorority, a member of a research team collecting quantitative data on the issue of bullying, and helping develop a diversity training program. After completing her undergraduate degree, Kristen plans to enroll in a master’s program. Her research interests include employee training, assessment, work productivity, intercultural relations and human resources.
Tonya McInnis
Tonya is a Senior majoring in Psychology with a minor in Sociology at Winston-Salem State University. She will graduate in the Fall 2013 and will enter graduate school in Spring 2014. Her research interests are Forensics and Organizations. She holds several academic memberships and is a board member of several campus commitees. Her career goals include working in government as a criminal behaviorist or profiler, working as a college professor and continuing her education as a post-doc student.
Yusra Khan
Yusra is a junior Psychology major at University of Hartford. She wants to continue her education and focus on I/O Psychology. Yusra is fascinated by Ayurvedic medicine, an alternative medicinal approach. Her research examines stress management and meditation. Yusra is currently seeking an internship in this field and anticipates applying to graduate school.